Comparison: Shame or Boastful…

Galatians 6:4-5 “Make a careful exploration of who you are and work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that.  Don’t be impressed with yourself.  Don’t compare yourself with others.  Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.” (MSG)

Do you catch yourself making comparisons?  Do you make mental lists of all the things you do in a day and compare that to others?  This is not God’s plan, but the evil ones to hold you in bondage.  When we make these comparisons it serves one purpose, selfishness, an attitude of “look at me and all that I do”.

Comparisons taint our perspective.  We begin to look at ourselves as better than others or worthless.  This creates anger and bitterness it keeps us from showing grace, love, joy, and compassion.  Take a real look at your attitude toward yourself and others.  Then ask yourself, “Does my attitude reflect Christ?”  If not, then seek God’s wisdom and begin to walk in grace, both giving and receiving.  We are not going to be perfect so don’t beat yourself up just repent, apologize, and try again.

Gracious and loving Father, I come before you as a sinner.  I come to you with a repentant heart as I know that I fall short of Your glory.  Forgive me for my selfish ways; help me to be content with the beautiful life you have given me.  When I begin to go down a negative path, weather toward myself or others,  remind me of your grace and love.  Father, I want to reflect your beauty yet I find it difficult sometimes.  Help me Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen


Psalm 73:26 “My mind and body may grow weak, but God is my strength; he is all I ever need.”

It is so easy to fall into worldly ways of doing life.  When we act as the world does we grow weak and weary.  The days we try to do life alone are the days that are the hardest.  When we rely on our Heavenly Father we have a strength that cannot be explained.  These are the days we have wisdom, strength, and peace.  Rely on your Father for He loves and cares for you and will strengthen you.  When all feels lost He is the one there to rescue you.  Trust that He is all you will ever need.

Father, thank you for loving me and being there for me every moment of my day.  Help me remember that  I matter to You and that You will strengthen me, helping me to overcome my challenges. Thank You for being greater than any challenge I face in this life.  Come Holy Spirit and reign over my life.  In Jesus’ Precious Name, Amen


God is Your Guide

Philippians 2:13 “For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”

We all have those days and seasons in our lives when we wonder how we are going to make it through.  Life can become a blur and overwhelm us in what seems like an instant.  When this happens we all need to remember that we have a Heavenly Father that is there to guide us.  When life becomes unmanageable go to your Father and trust in Him to bring you a peace in the midst of the storm.

Father in Heaven, I come to you my proctctor, my guide, and the keeper of my soul seeking Your wisdom for today.  Father only you know what I will face each and everyday.  I ask for your protection and wisdom as I go out into the world.  Give me what I need for today and help me to be Your light to all those I encounter.  Give me the words to speak and the ears to hear.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Your Story is Written in God’s Own Hand.

Pslam 139:15-16 “My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.  When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body.  All my days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

Why is it that we never feel like we are enough?  We continually strive to be something or someone we are not.  It is almost like we are saying God’s plan is not enough.  I believe we all need to be remainded that God created you just the way you are.  As a matter of fact, he knows how your story ends.

When God created you He wrote your story in His own handwriting.   He does give you free will, but He also know how to draw you back to him.  No matter what decisions you make God already has a plan to bring you back under His love and protection.  Trust in Him and His plan for your life because, although we go through difficult times, He has a pan to prosper you and not to harm you.

Father, thank you for always being there for me no matter what direction I choose to take.  I  can count on you to draw me back under your love and protection.  Thank you for loving me through all the good and bad in my life.  Help me to trust you and release all the lies that I believe about myself.  I am your child and you are my loving Father who is ready to shower me with love, grace, and joy.  Open my eyes to all that you have for my life.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Storm of Life

Matthew 8:24 “Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that whe waves swept over the boat.  But Jesus was sleeping.  The disciples went and woke him, saying ‘Lord, save us!  We’re going to drown!’”

We have all had seasons in our life where we felt we were going to drown from burdens, pains, heartache, or just plain life.  During these storms we may feel as if Jesus is sleeping and as a result we feel as if we wont make it another moment let alone another day.

When the storms of life seem to come out of nowhere trust that Jesus is with you.  He walks your path ready to calm the storms within.  This calming may not change your situation, but it will give you the strength you need to face another day.  TRUST in Him and He WILL calm the storm.

Father, thank you for never leaving me and for being a calming force within when life seem to be spinning out of control.  Help me Lord to trust you in the midst of trials, pain, heartache, and storms.  Father, I ask that your will be done in life and for the strenght to trust in you and believe that the storm will come to an end.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Sprits: Flesh or Holy

Galatians 5:24 “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.”

It is so hard to understand the love of God because we focus on the pain in our life.  If we could grasp what God truely did for us the little things in life would not matter.

When we focus on our circumstances we become consumed with selfishness; this leads to disagreements, pain, heartache, and strife (vigorous or bitter conflict, discord, or antagonism toward someone else or others).  Where there is strife there cannot be love.   As a matter of fact, strife is listed next to murder in Glations 5:19-20 which lists the spirits of the flesh.  Every moment of every day we are fightings against this nature through prayer and our relationship with Christ.

We are not able to truely love until we get a hold of the love of Christ because He is Love.  When we live in the flesh we are focused on self.  This includes but is not limited to low self-esteem, jealousy, anger, addictions, envy, and the list goes on.  When we spend time with Chirst He gives us strength to overcome these fleshly desires and replaces them with fruits of the Spirit like, love, joy, peace, kindness, and self control Galatinos 5:22.

Take some time today and look at where your are focusing.   Are you focused on fruits of the Spirit or the flesh?

Abba Father, thank you for going to the cross to allow me to die to my flesh and be in relationship with you.  Send Your Spriit to live within me and draw me ever closer to you.  Give me the strength I need today to live surrendered to you.  Father send Your Spirit to  live in me and guide me through my day.  I pray Your will be done not my will.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen



Pslam 25:20 “Guard my life and rescue me; let me not be put to shame, for I take refuge in you.”

When life gets overwhelming where do you turn?  Are you turning to earthly solutions or are you turning to the One that has the power to heal all?

We face challenges, the name of the challenge changes, but it is a challenge just the same.  When life begins to take control of everything, stop and remember that you can find rest, peace, strength, love, and joy all in one place.  Your Father in Heaven is ready and waiting for you to come to him and seek refuge in His presence.

Gracious, loving Father, thank you for being my refuge in times of trouble,  a place of peace and strength.  As I learn to navigate this crazy world with all of its challenges draw me ever closer to you and heal me.  Help me give all my cares, worries, and struggles to you.  Remind me that You are in control and Your plan for my life is perfect.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen

What Do You Treasure?

Matthew 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

What do you spend your days focusing on?

We all need to take time to ask, “What are my treasures?” Think about what you spend your day doing and who you spend your day with.  Simply put, that is what you treasure.  So, do you treasure family time; which means you are spending time with family.  Do you treasure isolation; which means you are spending time doing things by yourself,   Do you treasure money; which means you treasure riches or work all the time.  Etc.

We get out of life what we put into it, so today take the time to examine where your treasures are.  What you spend your time doing and telling yourself is what you treasure.  If you don’t like the answer, change what you are focusing on.  We all have things that take our focus off of what is important to us, but we also have the power to turn and focus on things that bring value and meaning to our lives.

Father God, as I look at my life help me to see where my treasures are.  If my focus in not where it should be, help me to change my thinking and where I spend my time.  Help me to change what I can to put the focus back on what is important.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Troubled Heart

Job 30:27 “My heart is troubled and restless.  Waves of affliction have come upon me.”

We all walk through seasons of pain and heart ache.  This life is filled with trouble and challenge.  When we face difficult circumstances we are faced with the choice of wallowing or praising.  I know first hand how difficult it is to praise in the storm, but I also have seen God’s hand reach down in the midst of my trials and lift me out of the pit.  So, don’t loose hope because God loves you and is with you every moment of every day.

Father come by your Spirit and walk with me today.  As I face my day and all that lays before me I know that You are walking with me.  Although my heart may be troubled and I may become restless I desire Your will to be done in my life and the lives of those I love.  Wash over me and give me what I need for this day.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Words Have Power

John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word wa with God, and the Word was God.”

Words have the power to breathe life or death.  When we speak we have the power to breathe life or destruction into the lives of those around us.  Words are so powerful that in scripture God speaks and it happens.

We too have the power of words.  When we speak truth that is lined up with God’s word, we have the power to bring healing into our lives and the lives around us.  The opposite is true as well.  When we speak negativity we have the power to bring hurt and destruction.

When our words are spoken for others to hear they can have positive or negative consequences on those who hear them.  More importantly are the words we speak in our head because these words have the power to control our mood, relationships, reactions, and our over all mental well-being.

God tells us what to focus our attention on and that is freeing and healing.  No matter what you face today you have a Father who loves you and cares for you so, go to Him and seek His healing.

Father I ask for your healing in my life today.  I come seeking your will and reign over my life and the lives of those I love. Cover us with your grace and mercy as we face whatever the day will bring.  I know that you are with us always and have the power to heal.  I give it all to you.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen