Need A Helping Hand?

Sometime we feel stuck and alone, like this toad, and need a helping hand to get unstuck. A simple act of adding water to the bowl freed this little one. Don’t discount the simple acts toward another because it can make all the difference. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask for a help because God shines in the simple actions of another.

No matter where you find yourself today there is something, no matter how small, to say, “Thank you God for _______________.” Look to Him even in the midst of challenges because He promises to be with us. Romans 8:28 “But God promises to work all things together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purposes!” We are not promised the perfect life, we are; however, promised when trails come He is with us in the midst and able to turn every circumstance around for our long-range good. Do not let your faith waver in the mist of pain and persecution. God is with you in the hug from a friend, a listening ear, the tears, smile from a stranger, or a simple prayer whispered behind closed doors.

Gracious, loving Father, thank you for being my life line in the midst of struggles and trials. Thank you for the reminder that even though I feel alone I am never to far away from You. Father, as I face challenges wrap Your loving arms around me and give me strength to face the next moment, day, month, and years to come. I cannot do this life without You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen