Shame No More

Genesis 2:25 “The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.” Genesis 3:10 “He answered, ‘I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.'”

From the beginning of time God gave us free will and because of that free will shame and doubt entered the world. Shame and doubt are the trap that satan used from the beginning g and he still uses it today. He tells us that no one will understand our struggles. NO one can feel our pain. No will care about you if they know the truth. Shame keeps us isolated because we don’t what anyone to know the mistakes we have made. We hide behind masks and try to keep it together so the world will not see what a mess we really are. This way of thinking is a playground for the evil one. He loves for us to be isolated from other believers. If we do not surround ourselves with believers there is no one to breathe life into the dark places.

Every human struggles and has battles they face, but when you surround yourself with other believers you can take off your mask and be who God created you to be. You are free to share your struggles and your triumphs. You do not have to face anything alone. God puts people in your life because he loves you and wants you to be free of shame. Trust your Father and pray or thank him for Christ believers in your life. He is listening and wants to bless you this side of Heaven.

Father, thank you for groups such as Celebrate Recovery that breathe life into Your hurting people. We were never meant to do life alone. From the beginning you created Eve so Adam would not be alone. You love when Your family to comes together to support and encourage one another this side of Heaven. I pray that those reading who don’t have Godly followers in their lives will find them and be encouraged. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

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